Monday, June 6, 2011

When Do You Begin? Right Now!

Acts 9:20
"At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God."

Thoughts for Today:

Someone once told me that life was like watching a parade -- the floats come by (like people and events in your life) one at a time. Unfortunately, you only get to see the parade from where you happen to be on the street. You can't see all that is coming, or where it's going, and after it is gone the only thing you are left with is a memory. God's view of life is like watching the parade from the Goodyear Blimp -- He can see not only the beginning of the parade, but the end as well as it winds throughout the streets, knowing in advance every twist and turn it will make before it happens.

Saul had been standing on the street of life while Jesus, the much anticipated Messiah had come and gone. He was standing in the right spot, but he had the wrong perspective so he completely missed Him. Now we see that Saul has just been given a ride in God's "Blimp," and he now has a completely different view, one that he can't wait to share with everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever felt that way before? God has just revealed some great truth to you -- What did you do with it? Did you keep it to yourself or did you share it? Did you act immediately or did you wait? God reveals Himself to us to change our perspective so that we might act according to this new insight. When should we begin? Like Saul -- Right Now!
