Friday, July 29, 2011

SHARING MY FEELINGS IN AN APPROPRIATELY HEALING AND LOVING WAY I will gain more understanding when I realize . . . trying to hide what I feel does not work.

An unexpressed feeling is like a rubber band being stretched to its limit.  The longer you hold on to the feeling, the more the tension grows.  Eventually something has to give, or the rubber band is going to snap.  When that happens, someone is going to get hurt!

More often than not, the reason you do not express your true feelings is because you believe what you feel is wrong.  You may remember the last time you felt this way about something or someone. When you shared what you felt, it was rejected or challenged.  That memory is now hovering right below the surface of what you feel, and you are not about to run the risk of making someone else angry!

Perhaps you are trying to protect other people from your feelings.  You may believe that  they cannot handle your feelings.You don't want to hurt or upset them.  Unfortunately,  your plan is not working!They are already upset!  They are constantly upset with you because somewhere in their being they know that there is something you need to say.  Keep this in mind when you are withholding your feelings: you are always having an unconscious relationship with people.  This means that they already know the very thing you think they don't know.  In fact, they, like you, know that there is a collective healing attached to the expression of feelings.  The question is, are you willing to be healed?

Until today, you may have not understood that harboring thoughts and feelings creates tension in a relationship.  You may not have realized that what you feel is important and that expressing it is an important step toward healing yourself and someone else.  Just for today, ask the Holy Spirit's assistance and guidance in finding the appropriate words and the right opportunity to share your feelings with others.

Today I am devoted to sharing my feelings in an appropriately healing and loving way!
From Until Today!   
by Iyanla Vanzant

Mama Headshot Dec10

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