Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ASKING GOD FOR THE INFORMATION I NEED I am faith-filled and fear-free because . . . God is always on duty!

What is the number you use to call God?  Is it 4-1-1?  Or 9-1-1?  Many of us are 9-1-1 callers.  We don't call in for information.  We only call in when we need an ambulance, someone to put out a fire, or a police car to take something or someone away.  We are in the habit of only calling God at 9-1-1 for emergency treatment.  We call when we are broken down, torn down or on the way down! We call frantically when we hit something we can't handle, when we break something we can't fix or when some part of our lives isn't working the way we set it up to work.  And if, for some reason, we feel we are not being heard, or that the line is busy, we keep checking.  We keep looking to make sure that what we need, what we have requested is on the way.  Yes, most of us use 9-1-1 because we forget to use 4-1-1.

When you use 4-1-1 to call God, you get preventive treatment, long-term care and regular maintenance.  You get local and long distance information.  You talk to God about what is going on now and what is coming.  When you call God at 4-1-1, it is an indication that you recognize yourself as a product with a lifetime guarantee.  You call to ensure that there is an open line of communication between you and your  manufacturer.  When you call 4-1-1 there is no need to wait.  No need to fear.  No need too great.  Why?  Because you have paid your life-care premiums on time.  You know where the trouble spots are and what precautions you need to take. The good news is, God is always on duty!  When you call God at 4-1-1 you are less likely to need to call him at 9-1-1!

Until today, you may have placed God on your 9-1-1 emergency list.  Just for today, try contacting God for information only.

Today I am devoted to asking God for the information I need to give my life a clean bill of health!

From Until Today!  
by Iyanla Vanzant

Mama Headshot Dec10

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