Monday, August 1, 2011

REMEMBER ONLY THE GOOD THAT HAS BEEN DONE If you eat well, you must speak well. - Yoruba proverb

When we become angry, upset or disappointed with someone, we forget the good they have done. We seem to think people must prove themselves to us again and again.  If ever they fail to live up to our expectations we are quick to voice our dismay.  The ancient Africans taught that if a person is good to you, you must forever speak good of them.  They believed the good always outlives the not so good.  In order to keep the good flowing, you must speak of it. The ancestors taught that we must honor those who helped us when we were in need, regardless of what they do now.  We must honor those who taught us, even if we no longer use the lessons.  We must remember with a kind word the road someone else has paved for us, no matter where or how they travel now.  Everything we receive in life is food for our growth.  If we eat from the plate, we must give thanks. Remembering, without that food, at that time, we may have starved.

I remember only the good that has been done.
From Acts of Faith 
by Iyanla Vanzant

Mama Headshot Dec10

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