Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Take it from my childhood trauma, "A monster on the loose, especially the monster of ego, can only lead to nightmares."

Monster On the Loose
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I was ten years old, and I saw a movie I never should have seen. It's about this dinosaur that got thawed out at the North Pole somewhere, and he'd been kept there for several million years. He really should have stayed there. Yeah, because see, he made his way to New York City. Don't ask me how. I didn't think about that at the time. All I know is, I will never forget the scene of this big, old Tyrannosaurus Rex roaming the city, ripping up the roller coaster at Coney Island, knocking down buildings, grabbing a policeman in his hands, and devastating pedestrians.
Of course, it's dangerous to be a pedestrian in New York even when there isn't a monster there, but it was especially dangerous in this movie. I had nightmares for months to come about that stupid thing.
Did you know there's a monster on the loose right now? He's tearing up the Christian world, and it really is a nightmare.
Take it from my childhood trauma, "A monster on the loose, especially the monster of ego, can only lead to nightmares."

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