Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Your Lane

Yesterday we discovered that God has given each of us a call…a destiny designed by God for His glory.You are unique!  God has not called anyone else to do exactly what you do.  Find out who you are and forget about what anybody else thinks.  God is not comparing you to another person.  You do not have to compete with anyone or be compared to anyone.  Just do what He has asked you to do.

In Philippians 3:12, Paul gives us some additional insight into that call,
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
Paul—when he was still an unbeliever and on the road to Damascus—had an encounter with Jesus.  Our Lord laid hold of him and Paul realized God had not only put a call on his life, but that the call was unique.
He was driven to fulfill that call.  He states it this way,  "Since that day, I have been trying to lay hold of the reason for which He laid hold of me." 
You also have a unique call.  And whatever it is, you need to stop comparing yourself to others and competing with others.  That is a terrible way to live.  Find out what your lane is, what your gifting is, your calling, and run in that lane.
You are unique!  God has not called anyone else to do exactly what you do.  Find out who you are and forget about what anybody else thinks.  God is not comparing you to another person.  You do not have to compete with anyone or be compared to anyone.  Just do what He has asked you to do.
That is running in your lane.  Do not run in somebody else's lane.  Now you can certainly learn from others, but you don't want to copy them.  You were born an original; you don't want to die a copy.  
Determine God's unique design for your life and run in the lane of that design.  That is when you will know satisfaction, blessing, and contentmen

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