Have you ever watched small children playing alone in a room? They will talk to themselves, and they will answer. They will dress themselves up. They sing and dance. A small child in a room all alone can have a marvelous time entertaining himself. Children can do this not only because they have an innocence that helps them to rise above the cares of the world; they don't mind being alone with their thoughts and their dreams. They don't mind acting out their fantasies. They can live their lives beyond the expectations of others. In a room all alone, children have no inhibitions. They have nothing to prove and no one to satisfy but themselves. They feel free! They are unencumbered by opinions and directives. It happens because nobody is watching them.
Live your life like nobody is watching you. Live beyond expectations. Live beyond what you have been told is right, wrong, good or bad. Just for one day, live like you are totally free to be anything and do anything you choose for yourself. Live from your innocence. Live from a sense of total satisfaction with who you are and what you have available to you. Let yourself dream like nobody can stop you. Let yourself sing like nobody is listening. Let yourself dance like nobody is watching. Play dress up! Talk to yourself! Tell yourself something that you would never repeat aloud. Let yourself be exactly who you are and live like it is okay -- because it really is.
Until today, you may have been living your life under the impression that your every move is being watched. You may have felt like there are certain things you could not and should not do. Just for today, allow yourself the childlike freedom of talking to yourself, dreaming for yourself, dancing with yourself and living your life like nobody else in the world cares or is watching what you are doing.
Today I am going to live my life like nobody is watching me!
From Until Today!
by Iyanla Vanzant
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