Monday, November 28, 2011

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. --1 John 4:4

There is a story of one Christian man, a deacon and very involved in his church, who was sitting in traffic and late for work. His car was plastered with bumper stickers that read, "Honk if you love Jesus!" and "Jesus is my hero!"

He had already sat through three red lights, and the lady in front of him was talking on her cell phone and trying to apply mascara all at the same time. When the light turned green, she wasn't paying attention, and continued to sit at a stand still, holding up traffic.

The man began honking, shouting from inside his car, and shaking his fists at the lady to move on. Finally, after traffic began to creep forward, the man noticed red and blue flashing lights behind him. As he pulled over and rolled down his window to greet the officer, he said, "What did I do wrong? I'm late for work, and you're holding me up!"

The officer responded, "Sir, is this your car?"

The puzzled man growled back, "Yes! Who else do you think it belongs to?"

The policeman replied, "Well, when I saw the bumper stickers on the back of your car and the way you were acting back there, I thought the car must be stolen!"

It's easy for us to become frustrated and impatient with the world. But, many of us often come too close to tarnishing our witness for Jesus because of our words and deeds. Decide to put on the full armor of God each morning in prayer and God's Word, so others will see Jesus in you

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