Monday, December 5, 2011

The Good Heart Lives for Jesus

Are you living the ‘good life” today? For many that idea of the “good life” would evoke financial security, great health, abundant pleasures, and constant freedoms.

But sadly most of those pursuing that ‘good life” never find it;
and what they thought was lasting fades;
and what they thought was secure gets lost;
and what they thought was pleasure becomes pain;
and what they thought was real turns out to be fake.

Tragic, isn’t it? To miss the real “good life” for an imitation that is broken and useless – and all the time missing what Jesus offers, the most incredible life possible for any human to possess.

What is the “good life”? It is a life that flows from within. It is the original and genuine “good life”. All other varieties but His are counterfeit. Only Christ's ‘good life’ never ends. All the rest do.

Unlike anything this world offers, Jesus continues to offer that which is best until we one day enjoy the finest blessings in His eternal kingdom (Luke 22:18). So how do we make sure we have today this “good life” that is genuine? The best way to start is to listen to Him, the Author of the “good life”

Note that in Mark 4:8 and 4:20, it is that which “comes from within”. So just as a good heart has fruit that comes from within and that fruit is produced by God. So we should see from within us fruit that springs up, increases, and comes to maturity.

Simply stated, the good life is a life “Living for Jesus”. How do we get that? Jesus told us, it is welcoming Him into more and more of our lives. Let me read each of these six calls Christ made and you can respond with the way we can choose today to welcome Christ's Word into our lives by saying “I Will…”:

· 1st – Jesus wants my Heart opened completely in love for Him that means -- I will love Him MOST.

· 2nd – Jesus wants my Body offered completely to Him that means -- I will die to SELF.

· 3rd – Jesus wants my Will surrendered unreservedly to Him that means -- I will OBEY.

· 4th – Jesus wants my Eyes focused eagerly on His Word that means -- I will hunger for His Word.

· 5th – Jesus wants my Actions focused on selfless love for others that means -- I will love with Christ's LOVE.

· 6th – Jesus wants my Life spent intentionally on fruit bearing for His glory that means -- I will Walk in the SPIRIT

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