Sunday, December 11, 2011

IAM THE WINNING KIND You survived 100,000 other sperm to get here. What do you mean you don't know what to do? - Les Brown

The best-laid plans and strategies are useless unless you expect to win. And you must know you are going to win before you start. When you know you are going to win, you can prepare your victory speech and what you will wear to the awards dinner the day before it is announced. When you are a winner, you learn how to take a win no matter how it comes -- whether by default, an interception, a fumble or when it comes right to you through the air. Never let a win catch you unexpectedly. Take your wins in stride. Know they are an everyday occurrence for you because you expect to win from the beginning. Never let words of doubt or fear cross your mind; they are the only things that can steal your win. Win big. Win small. Win it for yourself. WIn it for others. Know what a win will look like for you, and when it comes, chalk it up to life.

I Am the winning kind.

From Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant

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