Monday, December 12, 2011

O God, help me look at the values of earth in the light of heaven. Show me the folly of accumulating riches, the absurdity of heaping together the treasures of earth. May I come to recognize what has the highest value of all -- Your matchless grace. Amen.

A Throne of Grace
Hebrews 4:1--16
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may ... find grace ..." (v. 16)

We are seeing that one reason some Christians develop a closer relationship with God is because they know how to avail themselves of His grace. They realize it is there to be had and they open themselves to it most eagerly. People who know God intimately view grace as a treasure above all treasures. It is not that they put no value on the things of earth, but they see grace as the most precious thing of all. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had a friend called Fletcher of Madeley -- a deeply spiritual man -- whom Wesley designated as his successor. He died before Wesley, however, and at his funeral Wesley took as his text Psalm 37:37: "Mark the perfect man (KJV)." He told of how on one occasion Fletcher had made a public utterance concerning the government of the day which had greatly impressed its leaders.

Soon after the Lord Chancellor dispatched a representative to Fletcher's home to offer him a promotion. The official was at some pains to hint delicately at his errand and said: "The government would be very happy to ... er ... oblige in any way if ... er ... there was anything Mr. Fletcher wanted ..." "How very kind," was the great man's reply, "but I want nothing ... except more grace." That is the difference between those who know God deeply and those who don't. They look at the values of earth in the light of heaven and see that the only really valuable thing is -- grace. "Let me have that," they say, "and I am content."

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