Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dear Lord Jesus, I am a Christian because the Holy Spirit has placed saving faith into my heart. But I also acknowledge parents, teachers, pastors, and other influential people who considered it their duty, their privilege to make sure I heard Your Word. Today I ask only this: may I do the same for those who are around me. In Your Name I ask it. Amen.

"It's What We Do" May 5, 2012 We preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 In the Civil War, the actions of one Army nurse became the subject of considerable concern. After a battle, she was often seen wandering away from the battlefield hospital and going out onto the battlefield itself. Quite often she would come back with a soldier who had suffered severe wounds and was in urgent need of medical attention. It made no difference to her if the wounded was wearing blue or grey. The nurse went out and brought them back. Now, in a day when women nurses were not overly appreciated, this lady's actions ended up earning her a gentle reprimand. She was told, "Madam, you have no business on the battlefield. Do you understand?" She said she understood. Maybe, but after the next battle she went on the field of conflict and came back with someone who was wounded. One officer began to scold her saying, "What do you think you're doing?" That's how far he had gotten before she interrupted and snapped, "What do I think I'm doing? Looking for the wounded is what I do." We who are part of the church ought to be as direct and solid as that nurse: looking for the lost is what we do. Now if you're wondering why, let me share. Some years ago, 4,000 people were asked what individual or activity had introduced them to the Savior and their church. The replies were interesting: * 2-3 percent of them said they just walked in. * 2-3 percent said they came because of a church program. * 5-6 percent had been attracted by good preaching. * 1-2 percent came out of a special need. * 1-2 percent said an evangelism program had reached them. * 4-5 percent came because of a Sunday school class. * 75-90 percent had been brought to the church through the influence of friends and relatives who had made a witness and extended an invitation. Now it makes little difference if you think your job is to look for the lost or share the Savior. No matter which you select, you ought to be able to conclude, "It's who I am. It's what Jesus' saved brothers and sisters do."

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