Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lord, I rejoice in my salvation and ask You to help me keep my mind focused on You.

RESOURCES – HELMET OF SALVATION “Take the helmet of salvation…” Ephesians 6:17 In describing the Christian’s helmet, Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:8, “…and the hope of salvation as a helmet.” The best armor you can give a soldier is the kind that cannot be destroyed by the enemy. Paul, knowing the eternal nature of God’s salvation, exhorts the servant-soldier to put on—that is, believe in—the hope of life beyond this world. Soldiers without fear of death? What a mighty force! God also provides the helmet to protect our minds. When the enemy tries to infiltrate our thinking with doubts about our salvation, the helmet becomes our protection. You are God's own child. He Himself redeemed you from slavery. He does not want the enemy to overcome you. You are secure in your relationship with God. The power within you is greater than the power in your enemy. Give no place to doubt. Take your stand for God in confidence wearing you helmet of salvation. Teshome comes from northern Ethiopia and grew up in the traditional Orthodox Church. In Sunday school he was taught that the evangelical Christians eat the meat of dogs and cats when they celebrate Holy Communion. Their Sunday school teachers made a mistake by asking them to read the Gospel and so Teshome discovered the truth about Jesus Christ. He went to evangelical Christians to hear more about Jesus. He found that his Sunday school teachers, priests and bishops were teaching him lies. He accepted Christ. After this he was chased away by his family, community and congregation. Brother Teshome and new friends went to live with Christians who received them in their homes. It was during their stay with these Christians that they heard about a well-established evangelical church. They contacted its leadership and joined after getting a positive reply. Presently they have 60 members in their region. Brother Teshome’s vision is to go back to his people and witness to them.

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