Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pray today with all kinds of prayers for all of God’s people. A great challenge and a great opportunity!

RESOURCES - PRAYER “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 Prayer is mentioned in the context of the wardrobe of the Christian warrior but not as a specific weapon of war or a piece of armor. That’s because prayer is the key to consistent victory in our warfare. Therefore, prayer is one of the most important things we can do when fighting the enemy.. David's battle with Goliath was not won when the stone flew from the sling. It was won in David's close relationship with the Living God. Our battles are won or lost in the way we walk with God. Prayer is talking with God and letting Him talk with you. Prayer is taking a stand against the spiritual forces of darkness that influence events and circumstances in the world. Prayer is asserting God's victory before we walk into battle. But prayer is more than kneeling before God. Prayer is as much an attitude as it is an act. Prayer is keeping your heart open to His leadership. Prayer is the constant communion with God needed to face the challenge of completing Jesus’ mission. A Bible courier recounts; “We walk up to the customs with our suitcases full of Bibles. We know that at that moment there are as many as a hundred people praying for us. And can you feel it! We feel peace and joy as we push our trolley of suitcases towards the customs desk. I am absolutely certain that we are surrounded by angels. It sounds strange, but I just know. ‘Excuse me, ladies, do you have anything to declare?’ At that moment, a good friend rushes up to the customs officer. They greet each other profusely. The customs man no longer sees us. We walk on, and a moment later we are standing with all our suitcases, which have not been opened, waiting for a taxi. “I feel small and think, ‘Who am I? I only walk past the customs with my suitcases and I don't even have to answer any questions. That’s all that God asks of me. And it’s He who does the rest - incredibly!’”

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